Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Meet my donors, Part 1

I've decided to start a new feature on the old blog here called "meet my donors." It's my way of saying thank you to those people who give who are supporting me. These are some of our community's finest leaders. First up Bernardo Benes, on the right in the picture (duh).

Bernardo is great guy. You can read his memoir entitled "My Secret Conversations with Fidel Castro" here.

Bernardo opened up his checkbook and gave me $50.

Thanks Bernardo, for your generous contribution.

Joe Garcia, Democrat for Congress in Florida's 21st Congressional district running against Mario Diaz-Balart, Republican incumbent.


Anonymous said...

Castro holding his nose: "Who farted?"
Benes looking circumspect: "Ahhhh, not me."

Anonymous said...

Well said.